Monday, June 3, 2019

Reasons Why Catalonia Wants Independence

Reasons Why Catalonia Wants IndependenceCatalonias Pursuit of IndependenceNo podem ser si no podem ser lliures. This summon from Catalan poet Salvador Espriu roughly translates to We cannot be if we cant be free a statement that rings true for over half of Catalonias 7.5 unmatched atomic number 19 million residents. The people of Catalonia rescue long been in a struggle with Spain to gain liberty and feel that they should be their own nation. Recently the separatist views in Catalonia have come to the forefront of guinea pig youngs as the state makes a push to secede but there ar those who question the likelihood and feasibility of this move. If the people of Catalonia achieve what they desire, Spain forget lose mavin of its most well known states as well as one that provides a great issue forth of stinting stability, but if they do not they will continue to fight for independence and their struggle could turn violent. The struggle for independence dates back to the 19t h nose candy during the Romantic age when nationalism surged. Catalan separatist feel they have multiple reasons to secede from Spain but the main reasons are that they have their own culture, history, and nomenclature have experienced a history of persecution as a result of Spanish rule and that they are responsible for a walloping majority of Spains economic success.Catalonia is one ofSpains 17 autonomous regions, each region having its own executive,legislative, and judicial branch. It is located in the northern part of Spainon the demonstrate of France and is divided into a few different regions Barcelona,Girona, Lleida, and Tarragona. According to a census performed in 2012 thepopulation is roughly 7.5 million accountancy for just over 16% of Spains totalpopulation. The city of Barcelona is the regions dandy and is also the second titanicst city in Spain with a population of around 1.63 million (Generalitat deCatalunya). Catalonia has its own history, separate from the tolerate of Spain,rich with culture and tradition. They also speak a language different than isspoken in the residuum of Spain known as Catalan. Catalan is not a dialect ofSpanish but rather a language that was developed on its own with Latin originsand is recognised as one of the four formalized languages in Spain. 93.8% ofcitizens living in Catalonia can pull in Catalan (Generalitat de Catalunya)and around 9 million people worldwide speak the language. in that location are laws inplace within Catalonia in order to preserve the language and makes sure itlives on. Some examples of such laws are that all businesses must display theirmaterial in Catalan or risk being fined, doctors are required to speak andunderstand Catalan, and there are quotas in place to regulate Catalan media(Miley). plot of ground it is true that 98.8% of Catalans understand spanish, childrenin public schools must be taught in Catalan and can only receive a maximum ofthree hours per week in spanish traini ng (Govan). This is because the people ofCatalan have realized that for their language to survive the test of time itmust be heavily involved in education of the youth. Catalans feel that theirown language and culture deserve to be recognized by national borders and appetiteto govern the land as they see fit. Catalans rich history and culture has not always been welcome in Spain and the equaliser of the European Union and the people of Catalan do not feel they receive the respect they deserve. There have been several distinct attacks on Catalan language throughout history but the most recent took place during the rule of General Francisco Franco between 1939 and 1975. Franco gained power over Barcelona following(a) the Spanish civil War with a goal of uniting Spain and removing those that attempted to differentiate themselves, including those that speak a different language. Throughout the time of his rule Catalan speakers and academics were persecuted and repressed. The autonom y that the Catalans had come to know was stripped away from them and Catalan nationalism was subdued. The Catalan language was banned from being used and was completely removed from the educational system. Along with this all remnants of the language were sought out and changed including media and street names. There was also a wave attacks on nationalist resulting in several thousand being killed or exiled. This persecution continued until Francos death in 1975 but the legacy of his rule has not been forgotten. Following the death ofFranco in 1975 a new ruler took the throne, King Juan Carlos. Carlos was a fairruler to the people of Spain and pushed to democratize the country. In 1978 theSpanish constitution was written and in it Catalan was officially recognized asthe official language of Catalonia (Barcelonas Languages). To this day thepeople of Catalonia cherish this victory as it represents the fortitude of theCatalan people and their ability to stand up to oppression. The peop le of Catalan,while happy to be recognised by Spain, feel they deserve more and wish to be anofficial language of the European Union. Catalan is a language similar inprevalence to Castilian Spanish, Swedish, and Czech (Mari 1). As expressed inthe preceding paragraph, the Spanish government has neglected to serve or evendefend the people of Catalonia in the past and numerous Catalans feel they must doso individually. There are m all organizations throughout Catalonia whosemission it is to spread the language and culture on an international scale. Oneof these is the Consortium for Language Normalization, a program which aims tohelp foreigners that have tardily moved to Catalonia learn the Language(Mari2). The people of Catalonia have longbeen in a struggle to make their percentages heard on a national and international cover aim and believe they have not been fairly represented by Spanish rule. The third and final reason Catalans wish to separate from Spain is that they are one of the wealthiest regions in Spain and believe they are not fairly compensated for the amount of money they generate for the country. Catalonia is known to be one of the wealthiest and advanced regions of Spain accounting for nearly thirty part of Spanish exportations and although its GDP per capita is slightly below average compared with other nations in the European Union, it is still about twenty percent higher than the rest of Spain (Alexopoulos). It is also estimated that Catalonia makes up for around twenty percent of Spains total GDP (Goodman), a contribution that would be sorely missed by the Spanish Government. Catalonias most popular export locations are too surrounding countries in the EU including Portugal, Germany, France, and Italy. There is also a large amount of products that are imported to the rest of the country which would make Spain one of Catalonias main importers if they succeed in independence. In recent geezerhood, Catalonia has grown its export rate by mor e than Germany, France, and the Netherlands, and in the technology sector saw an increase in exports of about 9% (Wharton University of Pennsylvania). Catalonia also asserts that it pays more in taxes to the primordial government of Spain than it receives back in spending on infrastructure and its citizens. Those pushing for independence say that Catalonia would be better off in the long tally if it kept the money that is currently being sent to the Central Government and instead spent it themselves and provide its people with the necessary social and security services. Furthermore, a study performed by the University of Edinburgh claims that independence could shift the competition for firms within Catalonia. If Catalonia were to become independent, firms would be protected from direct competition with Spain and those that would normally be pushed out of the grocery may be able to survive and thrive (Comerford). Although some experts believe an independent Catalonia is fiscally possible, there are many consequences that will be nasty to overcome for the people. Currently, the fundamentalgovernment of Spain located in Madrid is opposed to any sort of independenceand claims that Catalonia already has more autonomy than most places in Europe.The region is the only one in Spain that operates its own police force and alsohas a reasonable amount of concur over other factors such as culture,transportation, education, and health (Goodman). In recent years however the people ofCatalonia have grown restless and are pushing harder and harder to gain independence.In 2006 the central government of Spain and the Catalan authorities agreed totransfer more power to the region, a move which was agreed upon by the SpanishNational Parliament. In 2008, however, Spain entered an economic crisis duringwhich many Catalans believe their wealth would be better served if it was onlysupporting the people of Catalonia and not the rest of Spain. In 2010 the original move of Spain moved to strike dow key parts from the 2006agreement stirring up the independence movement and causing over 1 million peopleto take to the streets of Barcelona in protest. This sparked pro-independenceparties to win the regional elections. On November 9th, 2014 Catalonia held areferendum for independence, they later scrap the plan saying the vote was justan opportunity for Catalans voice their opinions regarding independence.Although less than half of all registered voters ended up casting ballots, morethan 80 percent were in favor of secession which the national government brush aside as propaganda. In the fall of 2015 Catalonias pro-independence partywon the majority of the regional seats and draft a pro-independence resolution.Later this same year, Spains constitutional court rules the resolution to beunconstitutional. In 2017 the fight for independence heats up as the nationalgovernment bans the former Catalan president Artur Mas from holding any sort ofpublic office, this comin g two years after the 2014 vote. In June of 2017Catalan President Carlos Puigdemont sets the date for a new independence votestating that a new republic will be formed within 48 hours if apro-independence vote wins regardless of voter turnout. One September 7th,about one month before the vote is set to happen, Spains constitutional courtrejects the ballot following a challenge from the central government. Laterthat same month about a dozen Catalan leaders were arrested for organizing thereferendum. Police also capture around 10 million ballot papers and theConstitutional woo of Spain tells Catalonia it will fine the electoral boarddaily for disobeying the court orders. On September 29th Spanish governmentpledges to block the referendum while Catalan leaders reaffirm their positionto proceed forward with it. Protesters occupy schools to be used for votingwhile police tell them to either leave by the following morning, October1st, day of the vote, or face the consequences. The follo wing day,hundreds of people are injured as national police close in on polling locationsbut noncompliant Catalan voters still manage to cast their ballots. On October 3rdSpanish King, Felipe VI, accuse secessionists of tearing apart Spain but hourslater Puigdemont responds claiming Catalonia will declare independence once allvotes have been counted. Puigdemont does not make a formal declaration and insteadenters into talks with Spanish central government. At this point Spain takescontrol of Catalonia and dissolves its political autonomy, firing the electedgovernment and forcing an entirely new election. On October 27th Cataloniamoves to declare independence from Spain in defiance of the central government.The move is seen as mostly symbolic as neither Spain or the internationalcommunity is likely to view Catalonia as its own nation. Since the vote, Spainhas taken complete control over Catalonia and has also arrested and jailed nineformer Catalan separatists on charges of rebellion. It wasnt until March 25th,2018, however, that Puigdemont was arrested in Germany after an internationalwarrant for his arrest was made. He will be charged with rebellion and seditionand embezzlement.In my opinion, Catalan should remain a part of Spain not only as a benefit to the rest of Spain but as a benefit to the people of Catalonia themselves. The economic consequences of leaving Spain will tear Catalonia apart. The first reason for this is that Catalonia will lose its EU spot as well as all the protections that come with it. The EU has already made it clear that it will not accept an independent Catalonia and if Catalonia wishes to continue duty with member other members of the EU they will face workmanship tariffs that are not currently present. Furthermore it is expected that businesses headquartered in the region would be strained to move since they would no longer be able to benefit from the policies of the EU. One such example is the EU has eliminated all import/expo rt duties between its members. There are no trade barriers and workers are free to move around without restriction. These policies are in place to promote a unitary marketplace where capital is free to move between states (Moussis n.pag). All Catalan companies would automatically lose these freedoms and may would most likely choose to relocate. Another economicconsequence is trade with the rest of Spain. In other secessionist movements,such as Czech and the Slovak Republics or Slovenia and Croatia, it was notedthat trade fell between the freshly separated nations by about 33 percent to 66percent in the first few years after seperation (Alexopoulos). Catalan exportsto the rest of Spain make up for nearly 36% of exports from Catalonia and ifthe past trend continues, which it has no reason not to considering the tensionbetween the two, it can be expected that Catalonia will instantly lose a largesegment of its export market. If trade falls andbusinesses decide to leave, unemployment ra tes will skyrocket and people in thearea will suffer one firm, reference Suisse, estimates that secession would causethe Catalan GDP to fall by roughly 20 percent which would greatly reduce theper capita income (Alexopoulos). Although I understand the plight of theCatalan people who wish to have their culture respected, I believe there isroom in Spain for multiple cultures to thrive and flourish. The centralgovernment of Spain does not wish to destroy the Catalan culture but rather toprotect the people living in the region from making emotionally chargeddecisions without first unhurriedness all of the negative consequences.Catalonia is a region of Spain full of culture and tradition. They speak their own language, celebrate different holidays, and choose their own rulers. For many years throughout history Spanish rulers were not kind to the people of Catalonia attempting to suppress their culture in an attempt to create a unified Spain. What these rulers did not understand is that one of the reasons Spain is such a beautiful country is that it has such a diverse background. In recent years, however, this has not been the case and Catalonia has had political autonomy and freedom to exercise their own traditions. For a large group of Catalans this freedom is simply not enough and they wish to become an independent nation. In the past few years the central government of Spain has blocked these moves citing the constitution and more recently has even taken away the political freedom Catalonia once had. While I understand the plight of the Catalan people who wish to have their culture respected by becoming its own nation, the decision is emotionally driven and the economic consequences would be to great for the nation to bear. ReferencesGeneralitat deCatalunya. Catalonia. n.pag. Web. 21 February 2014 .http//, Dr. ThomasJeffrey. The Constitutional Politics of Language Policy in Catalonia,Spain. Adalahs Newsletter. October 2006. p 1-2. Web. 2 0 February 2014 . https// n.pag. Web. 21 October 2013 Barcelona.deMari, Bernat Joan I.The Cornerstones of Language Policy in Catalonia. Language Policyat the Government of Catalonia. p 1-2. Web. 20 February 2014 .Alexopoulos, Yiagos, etal. Catalonias Choice. reference work Suisse. 19 November 2012. p 2-11.Web. 24 February 2014 .Goodman, Al.Catalans to Link Up in Human Chain Today in their Call for withdrawal. CNN. 11 September 2013. n.pag. Web. 18 October 2013 Wharton University ofPennsylvania. Is Secession the Answer? The Case of Catalonia, Flanders andScotland. 2 December 2013. n.pag. Web. 25 February 2014 Comerford, David,Nicholas Myers, and Jose V. Rodriguez Mora. Measuring Costs and Benefits ofIndependence. University of Edinburgh. 9 October 2012. p 15-20. Print. h ttps//, Nicholas. TheEU Common Market. n.pag. Web. 27 February 2014

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